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Where to Look for Wholesale Houses for Sale in Los Angeles / Orange County

Posted on: May 3rd, 2021 by , No Comments

If you are looking for wholesale houses for sale, it might be difficult to know how to find real estate wholesalers. It may be that you are not sure where to start. Wholesaling, as it’s often called is a great way to get started in real estate. It has a reduced financial risk, and less time commitment. But knowing where to look to locate wholesale real estate properties can elude those just getting started. The real trick is, of course, being able to find the property in the first place. There are some traditional means, and some non-traditional ways to find property up for grab like wholesale foreclosures. There are a few real estate wholesalers websites along with these sources to help you find wholesale houses for sale.

Finding Wholesale Real Estate Properties on Craigslist

wholesale houses for sale online

Back in the day, as they say, newspapers were used for classified ads. In some areas, this is still an effective method of advertising or for finding a purchase, but today, most people search “classified” ads online through sources like Craigslist. It can be a useful resource since it is free to post items for sale, and it is free to browse. There are some strategies for using Craigslist for finding wholesale real estate properties. The three strategies include:

  1. Searching for Landlords – There are many times landlords hold onto property because they know it would need a lot of fixing up before they could sell it, and they just don’t have the money. It’s pretty easy to distinguish between single owner landlords and those ads placed by professional property management companies. You are looking for regular ole landlords. Most of them put their phone number on ads so it’s easy to call them directly. Just explain that you don’t want to rent property, but you do want to invest in real estate. Ask them if they are interested in selling. If they are not, there is still a chance they have other properties they do want to sell, or they may know of someone who does want to sell.
  2. Searching for Sellers – This may be the easiest method for finding a seller. Just search for property for sale in your area. It can be automated so it’s easier to find new leads when they post too. The only problem is this strategy is being used by lots of investors.
  3. Post Your Own Ad – This is a relatively simple process, but you’ll need to be a little creative to catch sellers eyes. Just post an ad that states you are looking for houses to purchase in your area.

Using Local Marketing Efforts to Find Wholesale Houses for Sale

wholesale houses for sale in local market

There may be plenty of properties in your own backyard. You can often find deals close to you by marketing your immediate area. One way to start is to order some bandit signs. These small signs are placed in yards in the area. Some are placed on telephone poles or at busy intersections. Keep the message simple. Use something like “We buy houses for cash” or “sell your home for cash” along with a phone number so you can be contacted. Some investors also include the URL for their real estate wholesalers websites. Some people do not prefer going through real estate agents to sell their property. Interested parties will find you.

Real Estate Meet-Ups

Almost every state has their own real estate investment club where you can meet individuals from real estate wholesale companies. This can be a good way to connect with other real estate investors. Professional collaboration can be helpful and insightful. They may be able to offer information about the market in your area or direct you to real estate wholesaler websites to help you out. You may be able to find someone who has property for sale. And you may just find a lot of people like you who want to make a living by investing in real estate. If you want to know how to find real estate wholesalers in your area, do a Google search for “real estate investment organization” in your area.

Checking Public Records

wholesale houses for sale in public records

One of the best ways to find wholesale houses for sale or wholesale foreclosures is to check public records. Evictions are not fun for the landlord or the tenant. Oftentimes, others don’t realize how much work an eviction is for a landlord. There is a chance they would like to just get rid of the property. In most counties, evictions are considered public records. Just go to the administration office in your county and ask for a list of current evictions that are happening. Once you know what evictions are taking place, you can call, mail or email property owners to make a bid.

Why connect with other wholesalers or real estate wholesale companies?

wholesale houses for sale in your area

It’s important to connect with other wholesalers for several reasons. You can collaborate on the market in your area and help each other find the best deals. Sometimes you run across great wholesale foreclosures and you’re not in a position to purchase it, but another investor might be. You can keep each other in the loop as far as local properties are concerned. You can help connect each other with real estate wholesale companies or real estate wholesalers websites.

It is good to create a list of people who are looking for wholesale houses for sale, just like you. Once you learn how to find real estate wholesalers in your area, you can work together to flip houses and identify investor friendly title companies and other professionals to work with.

At Roddy Offers Buys Homes, we are local real estate investors with wholesale houses for sale. We are always happy to connect with new investors! Do you want to get into real estate investing? Have a question about where to start? Or maybe you want a connection with an investor who has lots of houses in their inventory. Check out our website, or give us a call today at 469-406-6961! We can’t wait to connect with you.

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.