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Top 5 Wholesaling Real Estate Books

Posted on: April 19th, 2021 by , No Comments

If you are going to get into wholesaling real estate, then there is a learning process. It means to rely on all of the resources. One of the best resources is Wholesaling Real Estate Books. There are many of these on the market.  It may be a little overwhelming as to which one to choose. To help get you started, we are recommending what is considered to be the top 5 wholesaling real estate books.

The following are what to be considered as the Top Five Wholesale Real Estate Books.

wholesaling real estate books

1. The Real Estate Wholesaling Bible

Learning something new is not always easy. When it comes to learning about where you are going to invest your money, it can be stressful. The Real Estate Wholesaling Bible has a great approach. The author Than Merrill not only teaches you to be profitable but to be happy while doing it.

In this book, you are going to learn the core concepts of wholesaling real estate. It will take you through the critical steps. It will be from how to find the right wholesale properties to analyzing them. It will give tips for financing and then how to sell the property. You will learn what makes a real estate wholesaling business success.  Wholesaling property is a business. As such you need to learn to operate it as a business. The Real Estate Wholesaling Bible will teach you this.

2. Real Estate Investing: How to Find Cash Buyers and Motivated Sellers by William Johnson

It is a sixty-two-page book where every line counts. It is ideal for the beginner of wholesale real estate investing. It helps one to learn about their target market. This is applicable to finding those who want to sell their house. It also applies to finding buyers. Part of the road to success for real estate wholesaling is in the marketing. The author presents some excellent tactics for this. There are well laid out examples. It is a book that makes learning this form of investment quick and easy. It is one of the more popular wholesaling real estate books.

3. Tim Bell’s Wholesale Flight Plan: A Step by Step Guide to Wholesale Real Estate Success in the 21st Century by Timothy Bell

If choosing which wholesaling real estate books to start with then Tim Bell’s Wholesale Flight Plan. It is a good choice. It is ideal for those who like to learn by a step by step approach. What is taught in this book applies to real time. It will provide the information for today’s real estate wholesaling. Plus as well as for the future. Tim can create the mindset of what a real estate wholesaler is and should be. The book revolves around a ten step program. Just ten steps to make one successful in Wholesale real estate. Another great one among the wholesaling real estate books.

4. Wholesale Real Estate Investing by Darren McAfee

The author of Wholesale Real  Estate Investing is a hands-on author. He has first-hand knowledge about this real estate investing through wholesale. It is a mere 90 pages, but every one of them takes the reader to the next level of success. Readers whole complete reading this book have built their confidence. They are ready to step into the world of wholesaling real estate. It is one of the Wholesaling real estate books that arm you with the tools and resources for success.

5. Real Estate Wholesaling for Dummies

Looking for Real Estate Wholesaling for Dummies will lead one to Virtual Wholesaling For Dummies. While this book refers to house flipping, it is beyond that. There is a great deal of focus put on the wholesaling of real estate.

Wholesaling Courses

Some people like to learn just from reading a book. Others like a more intense learning process. When learning about real estate wholesaling both of these opportunities are available.  Some courses are being offered for free, while others are paid versions. Wholesaling courses take a more detailed approach. It is where you learn in a series of segments.

Using Wholesale Real Estate Books

wholesaling real estate books to learn with

You want to get the most from this type of resource. The key is never to stop learning. Everyone that writes these types of books has something to offer. Don’t just restrict yourself to just one of them. Buy as many as you have time for. Plus, don’t just assume that you have learned it all once you have finished reading a few. Learning is an ongoing process. It applies to real estate wholesaling too. Continue to buy the wholesale real estate books. Do this throughout your time of this type of real estate investing.

Use the wholesaling courses to broaden your knowledge. You can use these to test what you already know. You will surely learn something new each time you take wholesaling courses.

Putting it All Into Action

You are going to gain a great deal of knowledge from the real estate wholesaling books. Then it will be time to put it into action. You will be ready to start your first wholesale real estate investment. It may be that you are already involved in this type of investing. If it is not going well for you, then these real estate wholesaling books and wholesaling courses can help. You can use them to identify your weaknesses.

Using Other Valuable Resources

wholesaling real estate books resources

Aside from these resources there other resources available to you. Here at Roddy Offers Buys Homes, we are experienced wholesalers. We can remember when we first got started. We found it to be helpful to talk to experienced wholesalers. Here we welcome all those who have an interest in this type of real estate investment. We would be more than happy to discuss this industry with you. Also, becoming part of your network is something that we would value.

Everyone has to start somewhere. We would be happy to be your starting point for your new adventures of real estate wholesaling. Or, if you have already been in the business for awhile then we would be pleased to become one of your new contacts. Feel free to contact us whenever you like.

The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.